Saturday, December 12, 2009

Great Opportunity

From Shanell

A few months ago, I read this article from BYU Magazine, about Dr. Geoff Williams who travels to poor countries and performs life-altering surgeries on children with facial deformities. I was so touched by his work, in particular, the fact that he now extends his missions so that he can take the time to train local doctors so that they can continue on this important work. See the brochure below.

I thought of my sister and knew she would love to attend one of his 'missions'. I believe she will go to Phillipines in February with Dr. Geoff Williams and others who will be assisting. If I recall correctly, he has plans for 3 missions this year. And we aren't talking about 1 week 'feel good' service missions. They go for several weeks, and work long hard hours.

The reason I wanted to spread the word, is that I know that this foundation is legit. I know that the funds are being used carefully and wisely. I know this doctor really does come home and live with his parents in between so that he can save more money to go back out (my sister has spoken with his mom!).

They are always needing funds, so this isn't just a Christmas request... I think it would be a fun goal to earn $250 for one child's surgery! If anyone needs more information, they can contact me and I will help as much as I can!

Borman Jason

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